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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Ridge Racer Type 4 Songs Ranked

John B. Marine | 11:35 PM | | | | Be the first to comment!
Ridge Racer Type 4 had some great music. As a blog all about all elements of racing/driving games, including music, I take an unusual and different route regarding racing/driving games. The music will be rated by me here in this post. Remember that...

Battle Royale Racing

John B. Marine | 7:38 PM | | Be the first to comment!
The release of "F-Zero 99" continues the retro Battle Royale games by Nintendo. This joins the list of Tetris 99, Super Mario Bros. 35, and Pac-Man 99. More importantly, it opens a discussion of Battle Royale racing. F-Zero 99 is a Battle Royale-type...

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Why Play Each Gran Turismo?

John B. Marine | 10:46 PM | | | | | | | | Be the first to comment!
If you never played any Gran Turismo game and want to try some, let me try to sell you on the GTs I have played. This post will be different. Instead of GT in general, it's why you should play each one. So what you will get from me is a look at why...

Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Gran Turismo" Movie Review

John B. Marine | 11:39 PM | Be the first to comment!
I will review "Gran Turismo" in this blog post. Previously, I had thoughts on this movie. It wasn't until recently I finally found "Gran Turismo" in a store. I can now review it for a blog post. So that is what I'm going to do here for you all. This is different from my previous post, as it is a review. I won't talk about any specific moments and won't spoil anything. However, I will use this space to discuss some specific thoughts on what the movie means overall.

A Note About "Gran Turismo"...

"Gran Turismo" was released in theaters on August 11, 2023 in the United States. I think it was released on August 8, 2023 in some other markets. This movie is rated PG-13 by the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA). It features intense action and some strong language.

"Gran Turismo" Review and Thoughts

Here is where I break down "Gran Turismo" by individual elements. Keep reading to get my thoughts.

Gran Turismo Movie
^ from: (GRAN TURISMO | Sony Pictures Entertainment) - "Based on the true story of an impossible dream." Welcome to "Gran Turismo!"

"If you miss a line in the game, you reset. You miss it on the track... you could die."

-"Gran Turismo"

"Gran Turismo": Review.

While I will not mention actual content in the movie, "Gran Turismo" is a movie with an engaging storyline. It is based on the true story of Jann Mardenborough, an average Gran Turismo gamer who would go from virtual racing success to world-class professional racer. I think anyone who simply looks at the story like this having knowledge of Gran Turismo, they probably would think this is a silly story. "Gran Turismo" does a good job telling the story of Jann Mardenborough and the British gamer's journey from GT to real-life racer. No part of the movie seems overly dramatized or predictable. I felt connected to Jann, sometimes even to the level of being like a cheerleader for him. At no point of this movie does one would feel Jann makes some serious mistake he can't recover from. Or at least, have one thinking Jann is in over his head and writing checks he can't cash.

Since "Gran Turismo" is based on a someone going from gamer to reality, the movie has a lot of different special effects with a gaming touch. A good amount of 3D and certain other special effects really gives the movie its unique character. Some of the effects, however, seemed a bit cheesy but not unnecessary. The special effects in "Gran Turismo" are not overdone to where you remember this is a movie about a gamer experiencing reality. You even hear Gran Turismo game sounds at moments of the movie also to keep the Gran Turismo vibe going.

As for being any kind of racing movie, a lot of these in decent quality are far and between. It is tough to try to convey and express the full fury of motorsport in a movie like this. "Gran Turismo" does a great job at conveying the full ferocity of motorsports in this movie. Everything from drone camera views to dramatic slowdowns are done in an impressive way. You actually feel connected to the races in this movie.

"Gran Turismo": Impressions.

"Gran Turismo" brings a level of attention to the GT series that speaks to its level of character. Elements of the precision of the Gran Turismo games play into how effective playing Gran Turismo games ties into a lot of the personality of "Gran Turismo." Honestly, it also speaks to the importance and impact of learning of racing through simulation racing as opposed to arcade (or even "simcade"). Before the likes of Jann Mardenborough, I was reminded of NASCAR racer Ty Majeski in regards of going from iRacing to real racing. Jann's story, however (with all due respect to Ty Majeski), is much more exciting and detailed.

"Gran Turismo" gives the impression that anyone could go from virtual racing to actual racing and find a level of success. While we know that is not always true, it does make for an awesome story. Jann just seemed talented enough to hold his own in real racing after many hours playing video game racing.

Here is another thing to consider. "Gran Turismo" could have been some phony story acted and excuted to the quality of most 1990s movies that try to bring video games some movie magic. "Gran Turismo" would have failed epically with a weak fantasy storyline or trying to be like the modern "The Fast and Furious" series. Same as if it had a bunch of cheesy one-liners. However, "Gran Turismo" did not go that route. It would have been a disgraceful way to disrespect what the Gran Turismo game series brings to gaming, car culture, and motorsports culture if "Gran Turismo" went down some cheesy style. In this regard, I actually think it is great "Gran Turismo" chose this based on true story style rather than some completely fantasy story.

Just Some Thoughts...

A story like this probably would be less believable if this was a movie about some casual racing gamer who mostly play arcade racing games and tries to be a professional racer. Same if maybe if the casual gamer was also an illegal street racer that somehow tries to make it big in actual motorsports. yet somehow makes a major impact in real motorsports. This made me think that this story is more authentic and believable that it involves a simulation racing gamer as opposed to an arcade one.

Now let me share with you some final thoughts. Get ready.

"Gran Turismo": Final Thoughts

"Gran Turismo" is a movie that showcases the power of dreams and living your dreams. As long as you are willing to improve your craft and hustle hard, anyone can be a success. "Gran Turismo" is not just a movie based on a highly successful gaming franchise; it is the embodiment of what hard work (and sometimes a little luck) can do. Just another video game player had the opportunity of a lifetime to live out what many other video game players could only dream of. In addition, this gamer put skills learned from a racing game series and applied those practices to reality. Surely there is a difference between virtual and real, but the gamer-turned-professional worked to make a great actual racing career happen.

The crew behind "Gran Turismo" could have made this movie some fantasy deal with a lot of fabricated drama and a lot of poor acting. There was no way, though, that "Gran Turismo" would be any kind of disgrace to what the Gran Turismo series has brought to gaming, car culture, and motorsports. A well-told fantasy or fanfiction storyline would have probably worked better for Gran Turismo, but going this based on a true story approach lends credibility. "Gran Turismo" actually manages to bring together the Gran Turismo gaming experience as well as going from virtual to real racing, all done in an even balance. Anyone who may have never played any Gran Turismo game may probably not realize this movie is based on using experiences from Gran Turismo to try to live a decent motorsports career. "Gran Turismo" not only is about just any racing career, it is instead a racing career competing in top-level racing series and top-level races.

Most of all, "Gran Turismo" is positive and inspirational in the sense that anyone with great potential can achieve great levels of success when given a chance. Jann Mardenborough didn't go through the usual pipeline of doing here-and-there go kart racing or competing in a bunch of grassroots racing series and finally getting scouted by a premier racing team. This individual went through playing Gran Turismo games for hours on end and logging many miles/kilometers playing. Everything else leading to Jann Mardenborough's motorsports success was pure talent and application of skills learned from a game.

This movie also speaks to the level of accuracy and charm of the Gran Turismo game series. No matter how much people complain about any number of issues regarding Gran Turismo games, the fact one gamer played the Gran Turismo games and gained such an education about motorsports most average racers can only dream of only speaks to how special and important the Gran Turismo series is to car culture and motorsports. Equally impressive is how playing a simple game also led to being able to have a great career as a world-class motorsports driver.

A true story, going from gamer to professional athlete, adapting from virtual to reality, the power of dreams and what is possible when given a chance- these are all elements as to why "Gran Turismo" is worth watching. This movie is a solid "A" to me, or at worst, "A-." Watch this movie and/or add it to your movie collection if you love gaming, motorsports, or both. You won't regret it.


I featured these trailers of "Gran Turismo" before in my previous post about it. In case you need a reminder or want to be introduced to it, take a look at these trailers to get an idea of what this movie will be like:

^ GRAN TURISMO - Official Trailer (HD)

And here is another trailer:

^ GRAN TURISMO - Official Trailer 2 (HD)

Remember- "Gran Turismo" is rated PG-13 by the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA). It features intense action and some strong language.

Get "Gran Turismo" Online.

This area is voluntary, so you can skip if uninterested.

If you want to get this movie to add to your movie collection, shop around at these retailers (among others). Remember, this section only is about the movie, not the game series:

Walmart (video games)

Or for more information about "Gran Turismo," go to GRAN TURISMO | Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Happy shopping!

This has been another blog post on "John's Race Space." I am happy you read my post regarding "Gran Turismo!" Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Thursday, February 29, 2024

Figure 8 Strategies

John B. Marine | 4:49 PM | Be the first to comment!
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Wednesday, December 13, 2023


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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Flatout 2

John B. Marine | 7:42 PM | | Be the first to comment!
Flatout 2 offers even greater insanity than what the previous title did. While you still race in junky settings, the graphics are cleaner and with more intense action. This 2006 game was released on Windows, PlayStation 2, and XBOX. Allow me to talk...

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