Before you can race, you need licenses. Acquiring your racing licenses will allow you to compete in all events of Gran Turismo 1. What you are about to read here is a brief overview of what each license test in Gran Turismo 1 entails. I have completed all License Tests in my playing of Gran Turismo, so I will share with you some of my times. Do not look for advice on License Tests here. Instead, this is just a resource for you Gran Turismo 1 gamers.
This post may be edited to ensure further quality for my readers. It may also be edited simply just to change the appearance of this post.
MAR 19 2012 - updated look of post--- Gran Turismo 1: License Overview ---

There are three licenses in Gran Turismo 1- B, A, and International A. Each License Test features eight different areas of concentration to help better your racing skills. There are seven tests followed by a Final. Each test requires that you complete the task asked of you and to perform the task in a set par time. If you fail to complete the test within the par time, you will fail. If you leave the course at any time (as in all four wheels leaving the road) or if you hit a wall hard enough, you will fail. You need to practice your skills on a consistent basis. Do not be ashamed if you fail on the first try- just make sure to do better in your next run.
• The B-License is required to compete in the Sunday Cup, each of the drivetrain races, and the Lightweight Cup. This license recognizes your ability to properly drive and race a car through a variety of situations.
• Think of the A-License as the "Advanced" license. Abilities learned from the B-License tests are put to the test in more crucial license tests. Getting your A-License is important because the majority of championships in Gran Turismo 1 require an A-License. Seven different championships require an A-License. That is more than any other.
• All International A license tests are time trials using either the Dodge Viper GTS or the TVR Griffith 4.0. Here, all of your B and A license skills are put to the test as you must pilot these sports cars through a one-lap time trial. Everything you have learned from the other two license tests will help you to master Gran Turismo.
Two Methods of License Tests.
There are two methods to getting licenses in GT:• Get them all at once before racing?
• Get the needed licenses and go racing after getting the license?
If the first method is to your liking, this will allow you to learn the most about the game without needing to return to the License menu. If the second method is to your liking, then you will need to come back to get the other needed licenses once you are done with the all the races for which a certain championship/race requires. I prefer you get all of your licenses before doing ANY racing. This way, you won't have to keep going back to the license area.
Another thing I would prefer- don't worry about going all-Gold. Sure, it is a great accomplishment to ace every license test (you also win new cars for all-Gold), but only worry about trying to win the licenses before thinking about trying to better your performance. I recommend you just get your licenses rather than worry about getting gold in all license tests.
--- Gran Turismo 1: B-License Overview ---
The B-Grade License demonstrates your ability to properly operate and race a car. Each of the eight tests in Gran Turismo 1 will help you to hone your driving skill. You can not become Gran Turismo World Champion if you don't have a license. So make sure to take care of this test early to have ANY hope of becoming any kind of Gran Turismo champion. Or... you can just endlessly race the Spot Race where, you earn no cars or achieve any real glory. It's up to you. Get your B-License, or why EXACTLY did you buy this game?Contents:
• Starting and Stopping 1
• Starting and Stopping 2
• Basics of Cornering 1
• Basics of Cornering 2
• Basics of Cornering 3
• Basics of Multiple Cornering 1
• Basics of Multiple Cornering 2
• B-License Final Test
B-1: Starting and Stopping 1.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point and come to a complete stop within the goal area situated 1,000 meters away. You will fail the test if you exceed the goal area, or if you exceed the time limit.
The test car is a Mazda Demio.
The time limit is 36 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 34.750
SILVER - 35.200
BRONZE - 36.000
My Advice: There is no need to steer your car in this test (unless you want to intentionally fail). This test concerns your ability to start and stop a car. Your Mazda Demio is in no way a sports car. Therefore, don't expect to blast down the 1000m road with blistering speed. Remember- you need to get up to speed and then come to a complete stop in the finishing area. Start thinking about where to brake once you pass the 800m mark.
B-2: Starting and Stopping 2.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point and come to a complete stop within the goal area situated 1,000 meters away. The car in this test is more powerful than in the previous test, so you will have to start applying your brakes earlier.
The test car is a Mitsubishi GTO.
The time limit is 27 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 26.400
SILVER - 26.700
BRONZE - 27.000
My Advice: The same advice from the previous test applies to this one. Just remember that you need to brake quicker since this Mitsubishi is much more powerful than the Demio.
B-3: Basics of Cornering 1.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point down the straightaway, turn on the first corner, and then go through the finishing gate on top of the hill. Try and keep a smooth racing line. You will fail immediately if you leave the track.
The test car is a Honda del Sol.
The time limit is 30 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 28.150
SILVER - 28.500
BRONZE - 30.000
My Advice: You will be racing the first corner of Deep Forest in a front-wheel drive car. Try to attack this corner by keeping a smooth line. Front-wheel drive offers great traction and is almost unable to spin out. Take advantage of your FWD car and make the most of its handling characteristics to clear this test.
B-4: Basics of Cornering 2.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point down the straightaway, turn on the first corner and then go up through the finishing gate on top of the hill. Try and keep a smooth racing line. You will fail immediately if you leave the track.
The test car is a Nissan Silvia.
The time limit is 26 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 24.800
SILVER - 25.500
BRONZE - 26.000
My Advice: You will be racing the first corner of Deep Forest. This time, in a rear-wheel drive car. Acceleration and weight distribution will be much improved going from the FWD Honda to this Silvia. You will get up to speed quicker since the Silvia is a much faster car. Be careful- if you accelerate too quickly in a RWD car, you will spin out. Accelerate carefully when exiting the corner, and you'll do just fine.
B-5: Basics of Cornering 3.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point down the straightaway, turn on the first corner and then go through the finishing gate on top of the hill. Try and keep a smooth racing line. You will fail immediately if you leave the track.
The test car is a Mitsubishi GTO.
The time limit is 25 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 23.650
SILVER - 24.300
BRONZE - 25.000
My Advice: The Mitsubishi GTO (or 3000GT) will take on the same first corner of Deep Forest. Remember that the GTO is four-wheel drive. Great traction and acceleration is expected with a 4WD car. Remember that 4WD cars can be heavier than their FWD and RWD counterparts. Make sure you don't get too much speed going into this section. Otherwise, your GTO will do a little off-road racing... and you'll fail.
B-6: Basics of Multiple Cornering 1.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point, go around the S-bend while maintaining a smooth racing line and go through the finishing gate. You will fail immediately if you leave the track.
The test car is a Mitsubishi FTO.
The time limit is 28 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 26.350
SILVER - 27.000
BRONZE - 28.000
My Advice: The S-bend of High Speed Ring will be raced on here. In it, you will need to properly navigate this section with a solid racing line. Your car is front-wheel drive, so you will need to drive the course in a consistent manner to deliver the best time.
B-7: Basics of Multiple Cornering 2.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point, go around the S-bend while maintaining a smooth racing line and go through the finishing gate. You will fail immediately if you leave the track.
The test car is a Nissan Silvia.
The time limit is 27 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 25.750
SILVER - 26.300
BRONZE - 27.000
My Advice: Use the Nissan Silvia on the same course that you just ran with the FTO. A rear-wheel drive car has a tendency to get out from underneath you if you accelerate too hard out of corners. The S-Bend at High Speed Ring will definitely make you pay if you accelerate too hard and too quickly. So take it easy and drive smart.
B-8: B-License Final Test.
Game Description:"This is a time trial on the full course of High Speed Ring. Start from the start/finish line and complete one lap of the course.
The test car is a Mazda Eunos Roadster.
The time limit is one minute 22 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:19.500
SILVER - 1:20.500
BRONZE - 1:22.000
My Advice: You will be racing all of High Speed Ring in a Mazda Eunos Roadster (or the Miata) in a one-lap time trial. This car is just right to race since it is not too powerful and not too fast. Learn the flow of the track and adjust your driving style to clear this course successfully. The only real problem area is the S-Bend. Handling this section plays a huge role in how your lap time eventually shapes out.
Congratulations! You got yourself a B-License! :)
There are two more licenses to go, so make sure to read the full blog entry to check out my look at the A and International A licenses! Disregard this line if you are reading the full blog entry.
--- Gran Turismo 1: A-License ---
The next step is to earn your A-License. Most of the races require an A-License, so getting this is quite important. The B-License tests demonstrate your basic abilities to operate and race a car. The A-License tests help you to become more aggressive and tactical racing a car. It is very important to hone your skills here because you will need them for the tougher races and for the International-A license tests.Contents:
• Practical Cornering 1
• Practical Cornering 2
• Practical Cornering 3
• Handling Multiple Corners 1
• Handling Multiple Corners 2
• Handling Multiple Corners 3
• Advanced Techniques
• A-Class License Final Test
A-1: Practical Cornering 1.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point, turn on the first corner and go through the finishing gate. Watch out as the straightaway is longer than the previous tests, and you will be entering the corner at a higher speed.
The test car is a Toyota Supra RZ.
The time limit is 34 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 32.400
SILVER - 33.000
BRONZE - 34.000
My Advice: You will be racing the final corner, the front stretch, and the first corner of Deep Forest in a powerful Toyota Supra RZ. The beautiful thing about Deep Forest's final corner is that you don't even need to do any hard braking to power out of the corner. Pick up loads of speed blasting down the front straight, but be ready to pump the brakes hard as you enter Turn 1 of Deep Forest. The Supra has a tendency to slide out of control if you aren't careful (due to its tall rear spoiler). So make sure you take proper care when entering and exiting this corner.
A-2: Practical Cornering 2.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point, turn on the first corner to the right and go through the finishing gate. Watch out as the straightaway is longer than the previous tests, and you will be entering the corner at a higher speed.
The test car is a Toyota Supra RZ.
The time limit is 26 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 24.760
SILVER - 25.200
BRONZE - 26.000
My Advice: Autumn Ring is your next course as you use the same Supra RZ from the previous test. You will be using the front stretch and the super-tight hairpin bend that comprises Turn 1 of Autumn Ring. The car will get crazy unstable in the corner. You need to be ready to gather up this car and keep it stable as you enter the corner. Otherwise, you will fail. Autumn Ring is NOT an easy course.
A-3: Practical Cornering 3.
Game Description:"Accelerate away from the starting point, and turn on the first tight corner to the right. Be careful going around the corner as the car will swerve to the left on braking, making it unstable.
The test car is a Mazda RX-7.
The time limit is 44 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 42.800
SILVER - 43.200
BRONZE - 44.000
My Advice: This test demonstrates your ability to handle a series of corners using a Mazda RX-7 and racing Grand Valley Speedway. This course begins out of the chicane after the third tunnel and ends at Grand Valley's first hairpin. Use a smooth racing line through the first part of the course to get enough speed heading into the hairpin. When reaching the hairpin, keep the car stable as you navigate Grand Valley's decisive hairpin.
A-4: Handling Multiple Corners 1.
Game Description:"Go efficiently around a complex series of multiple corners. The aim is to raise the overall average speed of all sections, without slowing down.
The test car is a Nissan Skyline GT-R.
The time limit is 39 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 37.400
SILVER - 38.300
BRONZE - 39.000
My Advice: DO NOT be surprised if you fail this test on your first try or in multiple tries. If you have played Gran Turismo 3, this is the same B-License final test. In fact, this test has come up quite often in GT games. You will be racing Trial Mountain. After crossing a little underpass, you will be piloting your GT-R through one tunnel. A series of blind corners await you with all of the high rock formations. You will need to pick a racing line carefully here. This test is tough, so prepare to fail a few times before you finally get it right. Learn to steadily improve your racing line and your racing skill as you go along. Eventually, you'll be fast enough to earn a prize. DON'T GIVE UP!
A-5: Handling Multiple Corners 2.
Game Description:"This is a test of several high-speed S-bend corners followed by a sharp left turn. The aim is to raise your exit speed as you come out of the last corner. You will receive large time penalties if you touch the walls.
The test car is a Honda Prelude.
The time limit is 32 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 30.200
SILVER - 30.700
BRONZE - 32.000
My Advice: With your Honda Prelude, you will be racing Grand Valley Speedway. This test consists of the first few corners exiting the sweeping lefts and rights of the first half of Grand Valley. The course ends with a blast through the first tunnel. The Prelude is quite powerful for a FWD car, so getting up to speed quickly won't be a problem. Find a great racing line to go fast here. The biggest problem is the final corner of this test section. Get up to speed quickly as you go through the tunnel. As a high-speed tip, stay straight as you head into the finish gate (rather than turn right just to stay on the track). By making a daredevil speed pass through the gate, you may shave a few extra seconds of your lap time. Just make sure you don't fly off the track trying to gain extra speed through the finish gate.
A-6: Handling Multiple Corners 3.
Game Description:"Take the multiple corners which come after the track's high speed sections. Be careful at the first tight turn to the right, as the car will swerve to the left and slow down, making it unstable. It is also important to keep a good racing line.
The test car is a Toyota MR2.
The time limit is 27 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 26.150
SILVER - 26.500
BRONZE - 27.000
My Advice: The track here is Deep Forest, and you will be racing the tricky and twisty roads after Turn 1 in a Toyota MR2. This is the only test involving a mid-engine/RWD car. Mid-engine cars are great for racing. The weight of the engine around the rear axle with the rear driving the car makes MR cars great to handle with. However, they take great skill to successfully navigate around a course. You are about to learn this the hard way using the twisty portion of Deep Forest. Keep a solid line while also trying to maintain a decent amount of speed.
A-7: Advanced Techniques.
Game Description:"Do five laps of this small specially built course, which has a lap length of 100 meters. You will need to use low-speed sidebraking techniques and be able to change direction quickly without spinning.
The test car is a Subaru Impreza.
The time limit is 33 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 29.500
SILVER - 31.000
BRONZE - 33.000
My Advice: You will be using the front straight of Grand Valley here. The front stretch has been converted to a makeshift skidpad. Use your Subaru Impreza and its boxer/horizontally-opposed engine power to properly navigate this course. You should have no problem with this 100m skidpad as long as you keep a fast line around the course.
A-8: A-Class License Final Test.
Game Description:"Turn on the first right-handed corner, followed by a high-speed section and a right-handed hairpin bend. This is a difficult test which requires you to take two tight corners at high speed.
The test car is a Toyota Supra RZ.
The time limit is one minute and 8 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:05.000
SILVER - 1:06.000
BRONZE - 1:08.000
My Advice: You will be racing an extended version of A-3. Only this time, you are using a Toyota Supra. And instead of racing up to the first hairpin, you will have to contend with the tighter and slower second hairpin. Take what you learned from A-3 and apply those skills to the first section and the first hairpin. After the first hairpin, try to weave your way around the sweeping corners that follow in preparation for the much tougher second hairpin. Take the second hairpin and power out of the second hairpin to clear this test.
Enjoy your A-License, mate! :)
--- Gran Turismo 1: International A-License Overview ---
Gran Turismo's final license challenge requires you to complete one lap around a course using either a TVR Griffith 4.0 or a Dodge Viper GTS. All you have learned from previous tests will help you in passing each of the license tests. Very little useful information is provided in most of the description of each license (except the last two). It's good you came to my blog for help! :) I will at least tell you what to look out for as I had a chance to race these courses myself in GT1 in preparing this blog post.Contents:
• High Speed Ring Time Trial
• Special Stage Route 5 Time Trial
• Grand Valley Time Trial
• Deep Forest Time Trial
• Autumn Ring Time Trial
• Trial Mountain Time Trial
• SS Route 11 Time Trial
• IA-Class License Final Test
IA-1: High Speed Ring Time Trial.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. Since this is a time trial on a full course, all the driving techniques you have learned are required.
The test car is a TVR Griffith.
The time limit is one minute 7 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:03.990
SILVER - 1:05.200
BRONZE - 1:07.000
My Advice: High Speed Ring will be raced on using the TVR Griffith. This is a car as light as a compact car but with two to three times more horsepower. Remember how you did with the Miata around High Speed Ring? Apply those same skills with a much more powerful machine. Just remember that this is a more powerful car and that this car is MUCH more twitchy than the Miata you raced in the B-License final. Take advantage of this car's power and handling and deliver a solid lap time. Bronze shouldn't be hard to come by here.
IA-2: Special Stage Route 5 Time Trial.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. Since this is a time trial on a full course, all the driving techniques you have learned are required.
The test car is a Dodge Viper.
The time limit is one minute 30 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:16.350
SILVER - 1:27.000
BRONZE - 1:30.000
My Advice: The highways of Special Stage Route 5 will be your license course here for IA-2, and your car is a Dodge Viper GTS. The Viper has incredible amounts of torque from its meaty V10 engine. The Viper is also a very good road racing car. So take advantage of this car's torque to race this course precisely. Keep a speedy racing line in the tunnel while also weaving properly through the next set of corners. As you enter the section that would normally lead to Clubman Stage Route 5, remember not to go too wide, or you will end up hitting the outside tire wall. More weaving needs to be done as you approach the very slow hairpin. This is a street course, so remember that almost every corner is blind. Pick up loads of speed driving underneath a freeway. After this blast, make perfectly sure to navigate each of the tough right-left-right corners afterwards. Get a smooth exit out of the final corner to blast down the Start/Finish straight with enough speed to pass this test.
IA-3: Grand Valley Time Trial.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. Since this is a time trial on a full course, all the driving techniques you have learned are required.
The test car is a TVR Griffith.
The time limit is two minutes 3 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:57.880
SILVER - 1:59.900
BRONZE - 2:03.000
My Advice: Grand Valley is your race track as you will go back to the beautiful TVR Griffith 4.0. This car is much more stable in the corners than the RX-7 and the Supra you've raced previously in the A-License tests, so don't worry about not having a solid car to take on these corners. This car is very adaptive and races this course very well. Make good use of its handling characteristics to clear this course quickly. The most important tip for a solid time: try to complete this course in less than two minutes. Pat yourself on the back even if you clear this course with a time of 1:59.999.
IA-4: Deep Forest Time Trial.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. Since this is a time trial on a full course, all the driving techniques you have learned are required.
The test car is a Dodge Viper.
The time limit is one minute 24 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:18.630
SILVER - 1:20.500
BRONZE - 1:24.000
My Advice: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If a Dodge Viper GTS blasts around Deep Forest, will Deep Forest ever be the same again? The Viper is back as you take its high torque engine around for a blast through the forest. Get a good run out of the first twisty roads to head into the tunnel with some momentum. Continue that run with a good amount of speed heading into the second tunnel. Next, face the undulating road ahead while keeping the Viper stable. Go full speed down the backstretch as the Viper goes upwards to almost 140 mph before three successive fast corners (all left corners). A powerful exit out of the final corner will help you get the most speed out of the Viper as you clear the Start/Finish line.
IA-5: Autumn Ring Time Trial.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. Since this is a time trial on a full course, all the driving techniques you have learned are required.
The test car is a TVR Griffith.
The time limit is one minute 24 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:20.240
SILVER - 1:21.100
BRONZE - 1:24.000
My Advice: Let's get one thing straight- I hate Autumn Ring. The corners are so off-balanced and off-beat and lack and really consistent flow. Using the TVR should make things a lot more manageable. Take advantage of the lightweight and nimble TVR to post the fastest times. This car handles Autumn Ring very well. Learn the nuances of its handling to take this course on at full speed and with precision. Just be alert at all times because this track CAN and will catch you off-guard if you are not alert at all times. Cut into the corners deep, even grazing the curbs far inside of each corner. Keep the car stable as you go through the loop. This track is completely off-balance, but this car can take it. Make good use of this car's performance to slay this nightmarish track.
IA-6: Trial Mountain Time Trial.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. Since this is a time trial on a full course, all the driving techniques you have learned are required.
The test car is a Dodge Viper.
The time limit is one minute 33 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:28.540
SILVER - 1:29.500
BRONZE - 1:33.000
My Advice: This test features your ability to race Trial Mountain with a powerful Dodge Viper GTS. This car handles Trial Mountain pretty well. Make sure to take advantage of its powerful engine and effortless handling to deliver the best times. Remember that Trial Mountain is twisty and feels more like a rally course than a proper road racing circuit. How you handle the multiple corners determines your lap time. Cut deep into some of the corners to make the most of this track's rough character. Always think about the corner ahead while making sure to take the coming corners effectively. This one will not be easy.
IA-7: SS Route 11 Time Trial.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. This is a long and complicated course. Study the course and try to achieve the lowest possible time.
The test car is a TVR Griffith.
The time limit is two minutes 14 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 2:06.330
SILVER - 2:10.000
BRONZE - 2:14.000
My Advice: You have never raced Special Stage Route 11 up to this point. Since this is a new course among the license tests, you will need to learn this course on the fly with a very suitable car. The TVR is back again, and you will be using it for the final time in this license test series. The nimble handling of this car will mean that you will have little or no problem to handle the many tight corners of SS Route 11. The most critical parts of the track to get right (in order) are the bus stop chicane under the Start/Finish freeway, the very slow hairpin after the bridge, the hairpin leading onto the industrial section, and the right-left chicane that leads onto the front stretch. Try to go for times below 2:10.000, and you will need to do a lot more to surpass the Gold time of 2:06.330.
IA-8: IA-Class License Final Test.
Game Description:"Your lap time from the start/finish line will be measured. This is the Grand Valley course done backwards, so there is a series of unfamiliar corners. Try to keep a smooth racing line without losing speed.
The test car is a Dodge Viper.
The time limit is one minute 59 seconds."
License Times:
GOLD - 1:55.428
SILVER - 1:56.600
BRONZE - 1:59.000
My Advice: You will be racing Grand Valley. This time, with a Dodge Viper and on the Reverse layout. This means you will face the second half of the course first. You will be facing the sweeping corners along with the very tight chicane first. Enter the tunnel with a good amount of speed as you then reach the bridge. Watch your line as you reach the second tunnel. The final tunnel leads to that very tight corner (which is a right instead of a left). Take on the tight hairpin carefully. The next few roads before the final hairpin (Turn 1 of the normal course) must be taken smoothly to make the most of your final lap time. This will not be easy. Take your time here and learn on the fly.
All your license are belong to you! Congratulations!
Thank you for reading! This may be edited to ensure further quality material.
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