--- John's Race Space: 100,000 Views! ---
Let me begin by saying that I am pleased "John's Race Space" (formerly "John's Gran Turismo Space") has gotten over 100K views. With its slow growth, I honestly never thought this humble blog would get so many views. This blog is nearing its 5th birthday as it was established in November 2010. There was a point where I initially just ran out of topics to come up with for Gran Turismo and Tourist Trophy for this blog. So in its evolution, I decided to make this my blog for discussing all things racing games. Why so? I love racing games. I know I am not the only one, and it feels good to find other people who like racing games, right? This is a special accomplishment for my blogging work. Under the Blogger/Blogspot platform, this is currently the third-ever blog I created that has received six-figure views all-time. Blogs take effort; successful blogs take effort and dedication. It is a feeling of being determined to assure an international audience of just how amazing and how much an institution a blog can be. In addition, I hate looking at my own blog just to bump up the view count. I can be cheap at times, but I am not THAT cheap. I want to earn as much as I can.You probably know where this is all going. Either I could have retired this blog as it is, or I could have stretched out its usefulness by extending the range of topics for it. The formula worked for "John's Blog Space"- which began life as my Gran Turismo blog before I made it about anything and everything. I chose to take this blog from "John's Gran Turismo Space" to "John's Race Space." Its URL and heritage are still with the Gran Turismo series, but I wanted to make this blog so much more than what its roots offered. The focus of my blogging work here on JRS is simply to offer my racing/driving game fans a place where I offer my own opinions about racing games and driving games. I am not trying to build the definitive blog on racing games, but I am hoping I have offered a reputable blog with unique and valuable chatter on racing games. People- like you reading this blog right now- have helped contribute this this blog being useful and enjoyable.
I work alone with my blogging work because I feel only I can push my blog(s) in a favorable direction that I'll be most happy with. I could probably allow guest blogging or whatever, but I feel I am the one best equipped to push my blogs in a positive direction. I rarely get any support or opinions from any loyal readers. So therefore, I just keep pushing my blog(s) any way I please in hopes I can keep up the good work. That even includes discussing racing games here.
What's Next?
There are a number of racing/driving games I haven't mentioned, reviewed, or have thoughts on. I haven't even introduced my "Elements of Racing Games" series from "John's Blog Space" to "John's Race Space" yet. A lot of reviews on racing games from "John's Blog Space" still haven't been introduced to "John's Race Space" yet- and I'd love to introduce them to my audience. Ever since wanting to expand this blog's usefulness and its range of topics, there are still MANY things I have either yet to discuss or introduce. Believe me- I have NO shortage of topics for this blog or any of my others. The only thing holding me back is really coming up with given material to actually make things happen.I put thought into all of my blog posts. I don't just come up with posts just to show that I am alive and just to keep a blog updated. I believe everything I publish has to have value beneficial to the Internet and to my audience. Very few things are truly random about my blogging work. You now know about my dedication and how much I value what I do.
To All of My Loyal Readers and Fans...

That is all for this post.
I actually tried to wait until my view count actually surpassed 100,000 hits before releasing this blog post. I hated that I was slowly picking up views when I thought I finally surpassed that 100K view mark... only to find out only so few views were collected between different time intervals. The wait until finally reaching that 100K view mark was agonizing. However, I made it! Thank you all again for making this possible for my blog.
If there are any racing/driving games or any features you want to see mentioned, be sure to contact me online. I may feature your suggestion(s) in a future post here on "John's Race Space." You may also contact me on any topics you want to see in any of my blogs. Regardless, I am pleased to get this many views for "John's Race Space." Thank you for reading!
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