This blog post is a look at Kart Space for Gran Turismo 5. And by the way, I'm pretty sure "Kart Space" was NOT named in honor of or inspired by "John's Gran Turismo Space!" :) ...but it would be pretty cool if it was, though. ^_^
--- Kart Space ---
Normally, I'd have a track layout to show you to start. However (and since I don't have any downloadable content (DLC)), these are just pictures of what Kart Space is like:
^ Don't let the simplicity of Kart Space knock you out of orbit.

^ Lights, colors, and speed- Kart Space is a neon-lit paradise providing an experience unlike any past Gran Turismo course has ever provided.
Kart Space has two layouts. It comes across as the kind of track you'd expect to see in some arcade racing title or in some children's racing game. It has a beautiful showcase of lights and colors to make it incredibly attractive. As a racing track, this is a course that is very much made for karting. However, it can also be driven hard enough for the most aggressive of GT racers in almost any machine. This course is only very difficult if you're trying to race this track aggressively without committing an error that gets your time disallowed.
Kart Space I.
Kart Space 1 is a 0.48-mile thrill ride for karts. The first two corners are both sharp. Turn 1 comes up as a sharp right. You go over a checker-painted crest into an equally sharp Turn 2. But this time, it's a sharp left. The track goes downhill a bit to set you up for the smooth right at Turn 3. As you exit, a sharp right-hander approaches. A good attack will give you great speed heading into the banked carousel. You won't need to do any braking going through the carousel. After clearing the carousel, all you need is good throttle usage to power your way to the finish line with the final three corners. All of them are fairly smooth and are right-handed corners.Kart Space II.
Kart Space 2 does away with the first three corners of Kart Space 1. It is almost essentially like a mini Indianapolis Motor Speedway but with the Kart Space carousel. Take the first two corners almost like you would at Indy's superspeedway layout. The rest of the course should be taken like you would if you were racing Kart Space 1.Here are a couple of videos showing the two layouts (thanks to the channels who allowed for embedding of their videos):
^ Kart Space I
^ Kart Space II
Cool track, huh?
It's been a while since I've done any Race Track posts. Most of my delay in making posts for JGTS lies in YouTube video projects I'm working on as well as more blog posts for this blog on various other subjects related to the Gran Turismo series. So don't ever think that my blog is dead.
Thank you for reading!
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